Filtration of waste vegetable oil

and animal fats 

The waste vegetable oil and animal fat filtration plants have been carefully designed by Filtereco to achieve exceptionally clean waste vegetable oil or animal fat, and comprise a genuine set of ad hoc plants and instruments for filtering such recovered products, and are supplied with a range of options, designed to meet the exact needs of the market and its own Clients.

Partendo dall’analisi delle problematiche riscontrate nel trattamenti di oli esausti e nel trattamento di grassi, Filtereco ha individuato soluzioni come la rimozione della morchia dal prodotto, la separazione dell’acqua contenuta nel prodotto ed infine la Serie FF Nella Serie FF la rimozione e la separazione sia di acqua che di particelle solide presenti in olio o grasso avviene contemporaneamente all’interno del medesimo impianto: attualmente la Serie FF é il fiore all’occhiello della progettazione Filtereco per la filtrazione dell’olio vegetale esausto.

Starting with an analysis of the problems encountered when treating waste oils and fats, Filtereco has identified solutions such as removing the sludge from products, separating the water contained in the products and ended up with the FF Series.  In the FF Series, removal and separation of the water and solid particles present in oils or fats occurs simultaneously inside the same system. Currently, the FF Series is the flagship Filtereco design for filtration of waste plant oils.

Ciascun impianto di filtrazione per olio vegetale esausto é studiato specificatamente per risultare il più compatto possibile, ed indipendentemente dagli ingombri, può essere realizzato sia fisso che mobile.

Each filtration plant for spent oil is specifically designed to be as compact as possible, and regardless of size, can be made in both fixed and mobile versions.
In the dedicated web pages, we make a differentiation between systems for filtering out spent vegetable oil and animal fats depending on the problem to be solved and the type of product being treated.

Click on the following links for:

 filtration of solid particles from waste oil

separation of exhausted vegetable oil from water

combined removal of solid particles and water from spent plant oil

Each type of system can be appropriately modified to make it suitable for filtering products with particular problems.